A stoic philosopher contemplating the quote Give yourself a gift_ the present moment

“Give yourself a gift: the present moment” – Marcus Aurelius

In todays busy world we are often caught up in anything and everything, and are very rarely in the present moment.

As I write this my thoughts drift towards my day job, to the grind, which starts after I write this.

And even as I watch movies or television series the habit of reaching for my phone and scrolling, leaving me unable to even enjoy the time I had set aside.

Many of us will be aware of the term mindfulness. It has been popularised more recently and linked to improved wellbeing.

The generalised approach to mindfulness is often thought as sitting quietly, focusing on our breath and trying to observe our thoughts without judgement. However, there is another approach – one where you are truly in the moment.

Instead of sitting in a chair and being aware of your breathing, simply continue with you daily activities but be fully immersed in those moments.

If you’re out for a walk – look around, find the details in the things around you. Look at the blades of grass. Take deep breaths and pay attention to the sensation and the smells. Look up at the sky, look down at the floor, look around you. Just be truly in the moment.

And it works in everything else too.

As I sit at my desk writing this, I do what you do in the regular approach to mindfulness – I become aware of my thoughts and how they drift, and just with mindfulness I let them go and remain focused – in the moment with the task at hand.

So, today do as Marcus says…

“Concentrate every minute like a Roman—like a man—on doing what’s in front of you with precise and genuine seriousness, tenderly, willingly, with justice. And on freeing yourself from all other distractions.” – Marcus Aurelius

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