“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable.” – Seneca
As you wake today, what tasks do you set before yourself?
Do you have any plans at all? Or will you wake to follow the routine you have been following for years and years? Often on autopilot, stumbling from one thing to the next.
As you start a new year, or a new period in your life, are you clear on what you want to achieve or what direction you want to go?
Because if you don’t have any plans, and don’t know what you want to achieve both daily and longer term – then you how do you know you are making good use of your time?
And without direction, how do you know if the opportunities you stumble upon are good or bad?
How can you ever know if they will help you get closer to where you want to head, if you don’t know where you want to head?
And worse, how do you know if the actions you are taking in any moment are necessary or not?
“Ask yourself at every moment, Is this necessary?” — Marcus Aurelius
So today, spend some time and think about what you want.
Think broadly – where am I heading in life? Seneca – which harbour am I aiming for?
Think shortly – what can I do today to help me get there? – Seneca – is this favourable wind?
And then as Marcus Aurelius says the path is simple…
“The first step: Don’t be anxious…The second step: Concentrate on what you have to do. Fix your eyes on it.” — Marcus Aurelius